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How to care your daily life ?

How to care your daily life ?

1. Are you getting lots of water? Getting 6-8 glasses a day keeps you well-hydrated! 

2. Broccoli is a great source of calcium! 

3. Do you have a favorite healthy food? 

4. Spinach is nutrient-dense and easy to add to pasta sauces and salads. 

5. Stop! It’s time for a stretch break! Make sure you’re getting up and moving every 20 minutes or so to keep that blood flowing! 

6. Drink a glass of water before every meal to cut back on the calories you’re consuming! 

7. Writing down everything you eat helps to keep you accountable for the food you eat! 

8. What’s your favorite way to keep active? Tweet a picture! 

9. Live by the Rainbow Rule! Try to get as many colors of veggie on your plate as possible. 

10. Did you know? The cause of most headaches is dehydration. Get a glass of water! 

11. Whatever your meal, try to make it at least at least ⅔ veggie. 

12. Do you have a pedometer? Most smart phones come with one. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. 

13. Try parking at the back of the parking lot to get more steps in! 

14. Freeze grapes for a guilt-free summer snack! 

15. Don’t forget to stretch before you work out! You could hurt yourself! 

16. Are you getting enough vitamins? Pack those veggies on your plate to make sure you’re taking care of yourself! 

17. What is your favorite healthy dessert? 

18. Quinoa has lots of protein! 

19. Keep yourself educated! Sometimes it helps to read a book on health and dieting to keep yourself on track. 

20. Try getting in cardio for 30 minutes, three times a week. 

21. Grapes have a compound that increases longevity. 

22. Subscribe to a blog or listen to a podcast - things things can do wonders to keep yourself going when you want to quit. 

23. Tell us about a favorite recipe that uses blueberries? 

24. How do you feel? It’s important to pay attention to how a change in your diet affects the way you feel. 

25. Keeping water in your body means keeping toxins out of it. 


Home Fitness Equipment

 Home Fitness Equipment: What Exercise Equipment You Should Choose

Today, increasing numbers of people are not getting more and more concerned about their physical health. Because of the increasing numbers of cases of heart related diseases, diabetes, and obesity, you have the right to be concerned about your physical well-being. This is why many people are now enrolling in gyms and are now starting working out as part of their daily routines to get and maintain a healthy body and healthy heart.

Besides, through exercising, you will not only have a healthy body and healthy heart, you will also obtain a great looking body that you can be proud off. In fact, many people exercises in order to have a better looking body. You can never deny the fact that a good looking and muscular body produces more sex appeal and is considered to be more attractive than having that extra flab and looking like the Pillsbury doughboy or too thin that you look like a scarecrow. Having a great looking body also produces indirect benefits to you, such as having more self-confidence and a significant increase in self-esteem.

Health benefits and physical appearance are the two main reasons why more and more people are considering working out. However, what if you find working out in the gym boring or embarrassing. Many people get insecure about working out in the public and for this reason they simply don’t continue their workout routines in the gym.

However, you can still workout even if you don’t go to the gym. The machines you see in the gym can be obtained at a very affordable price. There are home fitness equipments that you can purchase and use right at the comforts of your own home. These home fitness equipments can work wonders for you and get that great looking body that you have always wanted of having. Not only that, most home fitness equipments available today are designed to be compact to suit small homes, such as an apartment. It can be folded and stored neatly when not in use and it can provide that same high quality workout that you would get in a gym.

So, if you are a full time parent where you always need to keep a constant lookout for your kids, you can consider getting home fitness equipment where you can both take care of your body and watch your kids. You will also enjoy your workouts because you can watch your favorite TV shows while you workout.

There are different home fitness equipments available in the market today. You have to realize the fact that you should choose the right home fitness equipment in order to have a high quality workout. First of all, you have to choose home fitness equipment that will give you a full body workout and also exercise equipment that will be able to exercise your heart. The best home fitness equipment for this job is cardiovascular exercise machines. Treadmills and elliptical trainers are two of the best cardiovascular exercise equipments available.

You can also consider getting weight training exercise equipments for muscle development.

These are some of the home fitness equipments available in the market today. With the right home fitness equipment, you will be able to get a high quality workout and get that healthy and great looking body you have always wanted. 

Healthy Recipes


1. Are you getting enough sleep? 6-8 hours keeps your body repaired and your metabolism high! 

2. Try to eat smaller meals more frequently to keep your metabolism up! 

3. Get out in the sunshine! Sunshine helps your body make Vitamin D! 

4. Sweet potatoes are full of fiber! 

5. When working out, focus on your breathing. Your muscles need oxygen to grow! 

6. Take a long walk every few days to get some extra exercise in. 

7. What is your favorite salad recipe?  

8. You really are what you eat. What you eat will determine how you feel. 

9. Trying to figure out where to start? Switch all your drinks to water

10. Are you tired of hearing about water yet? Get up and grab a glass! 

11. Try staying off the scale and measuring a different metric. Use a measuring tape to measure your waist circumference. 

12. Where do you find healthy recipes on the internet? 

13. Take control of your diet and take control of your life. 

14. Do whatever you can. Then do a little bit more. 

15. How long has it been since you’ve stretched. Take a break, and stand up and touch your toes! 

16. Did you know? Doing anything to change your diet is better than doing nothing at all. Get started today! 

17. Can you think of a time you reached a goal? Tell us about it! 

18. Do today so you can live tomorrow. 

19. Use a calorie tracker like myfitnesspal.com. This can help you make balanced diet decisions! 

20. The best way to get clear skin is to make sure you’re well-hydrated.

21. Do you know? The first thing you have to do to succeed is start. 

22. What is the best way you’ve found to get a workout in when you’re pressed for time? 

23. Staying motivated is the hardest part. Keep yourself connected with other motivated people - whether online or in person - so you don’t give up. 

24. Your body needs vitamins, and the vitamins you need are best found in colorful fruits and vegetables. 

25. Switching higher-calorie beverages for water can be quick way to jump start weight loss. 


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The model of lockdown is not clear yet

The Ministry of Health and Population has made criteria for determining the green, yellow and red zones based on the risk of the corona virus (Covid-19).  But it is doubtful that it will be implemented because there is not enough testing.

 The period of the last extended lockdown is four days left.  Also, the budget session of the Federal Parliament has been called to start from Sunday 26th only.  Therefore, it is expected that the lockdown will be somewhat relaxed after 25 Baisakh.

 But it is not yet clear what the next lockdown model will be.  Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has instructed the high-level coordination committee related to Covid -19 to do homework on this at the cabinet meeting on Sunday.
Expert opinions differ

 The Ministry of Health has started making a strategy of which model to go for the lockdown, keeping in mind the situation of corona infection and the impact of the lockdown.  Meetings are being held every day.  On Sunday too, the model of lockdown was discussed with the departments under the Ministry of Health and some independent experts.  But so far it has not reached the conclusion of going to this model.

 According to an official of the Ministry of Health who participated in the meeting, the opinions of the experts are also conflicting.  Some experts are of the opinion that the lockdown should not be opened yet, while others have said that a certain model of lockdown should be relaxed.

 "Some experts say that the test is not enough to open the lockdown, while some experts are of the opinion that there will be an economic crisis if it is not opened now," said the official of the Ministry of Health, "We will probably reach a conclusion by tomorrow."
Most of the experts agree on the model of marking green, yellow and red areas, but they are confused as to which areas should be marked red, which yellow and which green.  Some experts have suggested to loosen the lockdown in areas where there is no infection without marking and to make it stricter in areas where there is infection.

 How to declare a hazardous area?

 In the discussion, the officials of the ministry informed about the preparations so far for marking the green, halo and red areas.  Some indicators have been made.

 Indicators of conditions falling into the low-risk (green) group

 No positive cases

 Not a person who has come in contact with a positive case

 Not a single person is in quarantine

 Not a single person is in isolation

 Indicators of conditions in the normal risk (yellow) group

 No positive cases (PCR and RDT).

 One or less than one exposure of a positive person

 One or less in quarantine

 One person or less from abroad

 Conditions falling into the high-risk (red) group

 Having one or more positive cases

 Those who have been in contact with the infected person are being tested

 Number in quarantine more than one

 The number from abroad is more than one

 Those in the very high risk (dark red) group

 According to section 48 (4) of the Public Health Service Act 2076, a public health emergency has been declared

The infection rate at the community level is very high

 Non-compliance with public health standards at the community level

 A situation has arisen where the health institutions cannot bear the burden

 A situation has arisen where the injunction must be issued

 The ministry has also made a measure to be followed in public places when the lockdown is relaxed or lifted.  Which is like this.

 Hand washing soap and water should be provided in all public places and buildings.

 Arranging and monitoring mandatory hand washing with soap or using sanitizer when entering public buildings.

 Widely promote and monitor compliance of at least 1 meter distance.

 Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or tissue paper when you cough or sneeze.  If this is not possible, promote the use of the elbow.

 People who have a cold or any respiratory problem should not come in contact with others, and if they have to come, they must use a mask.  A cloth mask can also be used. After using this type of mask, wash it thoroughly with soapy water and use it again.

 Use virtual platform as much as possible for continuity of work in other areas including offices that have to provide essential services.

 In the case of providing services by touching the body of people (such as health services), the service provider must make arrangements to wear masks, gloves and wash hands with soapy water.

 More than 7 people should not gather in any public place and if there is a necessity, a distance of at least 1 meter should be maintained with the approval of the local authority and arrangements should be made to use full face masks.

In the case of public transport, arrange for only one person to sit in a row, arrange for sanitizers and arrange for everyone to use masks.

 Allowing movement from one district to another district only for essential transport and essential public works, screening people in vehicles and making arrangements for sanitizing vehicles.

 Since agricultural production has a special importance in the overall economy and people's life, arrangements should be made to manage the work of agricultural production with caution and following the standards mentioned in this letter as a major priority.  It will be monitored by local people's representatives.

 The Ministry of Health and Population has also made additional standards for the agriculture and production sector.

 Every morning before starting work, it is mandatory to check the temperature with an infrared thermometer.

 Do not use if the temperature is more than 100 degrees Celsius.

 Not employing persons with cough or respiratory problems and arranging necessary diagnosis, treatment or rest.

 The employees and other staff working in the production sector must be arranged for housing within the same industry and prohibiting all outside visits.

 Maintain a distance of at least 1 meter at the workplace and make arrangements for regular monitoring by the local administration.

 Take special care in catering arrangements and clean used dishes safely and reuse them only after they have dried well.

 Bathrooms and toilets should be cleaned regularly and separate arrangements should be made for people with fever, if this is not possible, they should be cleaned thoroughly with soapy water after use and used again.

The number of corona cases across the country has reached 75

The number of corona infected in Banke has reached 16.  The number of infected people in the country has reached 75.
 Nepalgunj 8 residents are males aged 16, 21 and 34, while three are females aged 40, 55 and 60, according to the Ministry of Health and Population.  Two days after a 60-year-old man in Nepalgunj was confirmed to be infected with the corona virus, 9 more people have been confirmed to be infected with the corona virus.  9 more people have been confirmed to be corona positive during the PCR check at the laboratory of Bheri Hospital Nepalganj on Sunday.  The new infected are the family members and relatives of the first infected.
 According to District Health Office Banke, swabs of 90 people including family members who came in direct contact with corona infected people were collected on Saturday.  Among them, 30 people were tested and 9 people were confirmed to have corona virus.  According to Bheri Hospital, the swabs of 60 people collected on Saturday are being tested.

Corona infection in two more people

 Corona infection has been found in two more people in Nepal today.  A 25-year-old man from Rupandehi and another 60-year-old man from Nepalganj in Banke have been infected with coronavirus.

Liver Cleansing Home Remedies

Home remedies to cleanse the liver

There are some foods which help to clean the liver.  If you include these foods in your diet regularly, the liver will gradually become clean.
 Garlic contains selenium, which helps to clean the harmful toxins in the liver.
 It contains glucose and fructose, which are necessary to keep the liver healthy.
 It contains beta carotene, which keeps the liver healthy.
 a lemon
 Lemon contains citric acid.  It is also very useful for keeping the liver healthy.
 Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which cleanse the toxins accumulated in the liver.
 Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.  Which does not allow the liver to swell.
 Turmeric contains curcumin, which helps to keep the liver system healthy.
 the apple
 Apples contain pectin (pectin is a type of soluble carbohydrate found in tree cell walls and in the center of cells) and flavonoids, which remove toxins from the liver.
 The sulfur present in banana helps to remove waste from the liver.

Fame returned home in good health

After being treated for 27 days at the Shukraraj Tropical and Saruwa Hospital, Prasandi Shrestha returned home on Saturday after being fully recovered.

Ban on sale and distribution of wild animal meat

According to WHO, covid -19 has spread from the place where wild animal meat is sold and distributed in Wuhan, China, and since 70 percent of diseases are caused by wild animal meat, WHO has said that the sale and distribution of such wild animal meat should be banned.

Government instructions to the local level officers who are out of their working area to report to the office immediately

 The government has instructed the local level employees who are outside the working area to report to the office immediately.

 The Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration sent a letter to the office when some District Coordinating Committee coordination officers and local chief administrative officers were not in the office at the time of providing service facilities directly to the public, purchasing and distributing health and relief materials during the Covid-19 epidemic.

 According to the decision of the ministry on 4th Baisakh, such employees have been instructed to take the vehicle pass and attend the office immediately.

Introduction of computer

Introduction of computer (कम्प्युटरको परिचय) को Video हेरेर सिक्नुहोस ।


Increase in infections of covid-19

Date: 5th Baisakh 2077,
 According to the latest update, the total number of confirmed cases of Covid -19 in Nepal is 30, out of which 14 new cases have been confirmed today.  Out of which 12 cases from Udaipur district (12 men; 34, 29, 26, 28, 28, 28, 28, 22, 25, 20, 40 and 29 years old) and Chitwan district (2 cases (27 years old man and 63 years old)  female)


कम्प्युटर सम्बन्धि शिक्षा अब सूचना सङगालोमा उप्लब्ध छ ।

Can't go out of the valley

Online news has published that the decision to go outside the valley on 28 and 29 was canceled within two hours.

Currently estimated number of ICU beds in Nepal

Population of Nepal = more than 3 crores
 If 10 % infected = 30 lakhs
 If 10% require ICU = 3 lakhs
 If infected middle 1% require mechanical ventilation = 3 thousand

 As of 2016
 Number of ICU beds in Nepal = 450
 Number of mechanical ventilators including ICU beds = 161
 Even assuming this situation has changed by 10% in the last 4 years, it comes to 495 ICU beds and 177 ventilators.
 the middle;  50% of beds are always occupied by other patients.
 "Are you scared?"

 Stay indoors, avoid contact, wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
 Be careful, don't panic.
 It is you who break the chain of ``Covid-19''.

Three more people infected with Corona

Three new people infected with Corona have been found, the total number of infected has reached 9.

 1.  A 21-year-old male from Kailali who returned from Mumbai
 2.  A 41-year-old man from Kanchanpur who returned from Uttarakhand
 3.  A 34-year-old woman from Kailali (relative of the man found infected earlier in Kailali)
 Along with this, for the first time in Nepal, another person has been infected with corona virus.
 cr: Ministry of Health population of Nepal

Coronavirus Present Report

Coronavirus Cases:







Another positive case of COVID-19

Nepal Government has been conformed 1 more case of COVID-19.by MOHP-Nepal.
Now total positive case of COVID-19 is 6. The person came from Doha Transit 

Another 837 people died in Italy

Another 837 people died in Italy on the 18th of Chaitra.  Prime Minister urges people who can survive the lockdown to be prepared.

Every year on the day of shibharaatri why water

Why does it rain every year on Shibharaatri ?

👉️ Scientifically, during the night of Maha Shivaratri, the earth’s northern hemisphere is positioned in a way so as it upsurges the energy in a human being. But spiritually, Maha Shivaratri is observed as Lord Shiva’s wedding anniversary. However, for ascetics, this day, Lord Shiva became one with Mount Kailash.

However, to put words in the best way, it is after this auspicious day that the temperatures in almost all parts of the country start rising marking the onset of the spring season followed by summers and ending winters.
On Maha Shivaratri, the weather is neither too cold nor too hot thereby boosting the energy levels in the spiritual people who observe fasting this day.

The airline asked for a large number of applications

Bidhut Authority and Air Services Corporation have asked for a large number of applications for various levels and posts. According to the advertisement published in Gorkhapatra, the Authority has asked for applications from Co-Director to Junior Technician and the Corporation has asked for applications from Senior Captain to Accounts Assistant.  See the ad.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela(नेल्सन मण्डेला)

After Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa, he went to a restaurant with his security guards.  Everyone ordered their favorite food and started waiting for the food.

 At the same time, a person was also waiting for food near Mandela's chair.  Mandela asked his bodyguards to invite the man to his table as well.

 After the ordered food came, everyone started eating.  That person also started eating.  But his hands and body were shaking while eating.  Streams of sweat were running down his forehead.  After eating, the man bowed his head and quickly left the hotel.

 After the man had finished eating, Mandela's security officer said to Mandela - Mr. President, that man looks very ill.  His hands and body were constantly shaking while eating.  He was also sweating.  And he looked very scared.

 Mandela said - You think that the reason why the person's hands and body are shaking is not an illness.  In fact, the person in the prison where I was imprisoned was the jailer of that prison.

 Mandela went on to say - when he was torturing me, I would scream for water because I couldn't bear the pain, then he would urinate in my mouth.

 Mandela said again - now I am the president of the country.  Maybe he thought I would treat him the same way.  But my character is not like that.  I think that acting out of vindictiveness leads to destruction rather than development.  Only if we have a mindset of patience and tolerance, we can all progress towards development.


Let's extend cancer treatment to all seven states - State Minister Rawat

January 21, Kathmandu.  Honorable Navraj Rawat, Minister of State for Health and Population, has said that cancer treatment should be expanded to all seven provinces.
 State Minister Rawat said that cancer should not be seen as a terrible disease and that the local level should work to create awareness among the citizens in an interview held on the occasion of World Cancer Day.
 State Minister Rawat said that it will not happen only by allocating the budget, and emphasized that the budget should be monitored if it is not utilized properly.
 He said that it would be wrong to sit in the office and look at the report and make an opinion based on it.  His statement that the monitoring should be tightened to solve it 5.
 In the program, the Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Khagraj Baral, admitted that the public could not be made aware of the fact that cancer can be cured after treatment.
 In addition, he said that 90 percent of the doctors trained by the government do not live in Nepal, so the government's investment has not been put to good use.

List of The latest virus outside of China

There are more than 150 cases in other countries, with one death in the Philippines.

On Tuesday, South Korea announced that one of its citizens had tested positive for coronavirus after visiting Thailand.
The Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC) said the 42-year-old woman flew back to Korea on 19 January after visiting Thailand. She showed symptoms on 25 January and her conditions did not improve.
The Thai Department of Disease Control said it was "possible" that she contracted the virus in Thailand, which has one of the highest number of virus cases outside of China.

It is not clear if she had visited China at all.


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Formation of Chitwan working committee of computer subject teachers

The committee has elected Bindu Aryal as vice-president, Narayan Dahal as secretary, Suresh Baral as joint secretary, and Diwas Mainali as treasurer.  Similarly, the members are Shri Prasad Aryal, Suresh Chandra Acharya, Rajkumar Sapkota and Dinesh Pandit.
 Principal of Oxford College Hari Bhandari, Central President of Computer Faculty Association of Nepal Prachandaram Shrestha hosted the program and Mr. Prasad Aryal welcomed and conducted the program.

Chitwan- A gathering of computer professors and teachers of Chitwan has formed the Chitwan Working Committee of the Computer Faculty Association of Nepal.
 The meeting held under the chairmanship of Hari Sapkota and Balkumari College professor Jagdishwar Khanal as chief guest has formed a nine-member Chitwan District Working Committee under the chairmanship of Hari Sapkota.

Wrong about Corona after viral video of bat eating

 Sunday 19 January 2076 06:18:00

 Agency.  The new corona virus, which started from the city of Wuhan in China, has spread to more than a dozen countries, and only on Friday, the World Health Organization declared this infection a global health emergency.

 But false information about this virus, which has killed 213 people, is also being spread, about which Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social networks have expressed serious concern.

 Only on Thursday, Twitter said that it will prioritize only official health sources for information related to Corona in its search.

 In particular, a video of an Asian woman eating bat soup has gone viral everywhere.

 Scientists have been saying that the corona virus originated from animals and it is assumed that it may have been transmitted by snakes and bats.

 That's why posts like the virus spread because the woman ate bats while staying in Wuhan are being widely shared.  In this case, that Chinese celebrity named Wang Mengyun has said that she is receiving death threats from all over the world.

 But actually, the video was shot in 2016 as a travel video, not in a restaurant in Wuhan, but in Palau, Micronesia.

 It is said that this kind of post has attracted everyone's attention because there is a lot of trade in wild animals in Wuhan city.

 Similarly, after the Washington Times wrote referring to the corona virus infection as a biological weapon, there has been more discussion about it.

 The Israeli military intelligence officer's statement is mentioned in the news saying that the Institute of Virology in Wuhan may have deliberately produced the virus.

 But the Washington Post consulted with many experts on this matter and clarified that there is no evidence of this and it is not possible to do so by looking at the gene of the virus.

Similarly, widespread publicity has also started about drinks mixed with harmful substances as a treatment for the virus.

 The US Food and Drug Administration has already declared this substance, which is sold as a miracle "Mineral Solution" to kill the virus at once, to be a dangerous bleach.

 Similarly, it has been found that many fake news have been spread through Facebook in order to avoid going to areas where Chinese people live.

 Earlier in Queensland, Australia, there was an attempt to spread panic among people by making similar false claims, after which the parliament there tweeted that the warning was false.

 Not only this, it has been found that some are blaming 5-G technology for spreading the virus.

 Since China established the fSimilarly, widespread publicity has also started about drinks mixed with harmful substances as a treatment for the virus.

 The US Food and Drug Administration has already declared this substance, which is sold as a miracle "Mineral Solution" to kill the virus at once, to be a dangerous bleach.

 Similarly, it has been found that many fake news have been spread through Facebook in order to avoid going to areas where Chinese people live.

 Earlier in Queensland, Australia, there was an attempt to spread panic among people by making similar false claims, after which the parliament there tweeted that the warning was false.

 Not only this, it has been found that some are blaming 5-G technology for spreading the virus.

 Since China established the first 5G network in Wuhan, it is said that 5G opponents tried to spread such fake news in various Facebook posts.  – The Gargieirst5G network in Wuhan, it is said that 5G opponents tried to spread such fake news in various Facebook posts.  – The Gargie

Online fraud case in Biratnagar - Bank account with fake photocopy

Online fraud case in Biratnagar:

Bank account with fake photocopy


January 17, Biratnagar.  It has been found that a gang of fraudsters in the name of online shopping has opened a fake bank account on the basis of a photocopy of the citizenship.  According to the police, eight people who were arrested with 67 lakh 99 thousand 750 rupees had opened 78 bank accounts on the basis of photocopies.  Women are used more when opening an account in this way.
 A photo of a woman has been used in 22 accounts when the account was opened.  Although the photo is found to be the same, the name of the account holder is different.  According to Vishwa Adhikari, Superintendent of Police (SP) of District Police Office, Morang, it has been found that those who are in trouble have opened accounts in all known banks.
 The fraudsters used to force customers who placed online orders to deposit money into such accounts before sending the goods.  Such accounts used to be used for sending and withdrawing money for a few months and were being closed.
 In this online fraud, 22-year-old Shivji Khadka of Jantedhunga Rural Municipality-4 of Khotang, 20-year-old Devi Choulagai, Niranjan Prasad Acharya alias Vishal Aryal of Morang Sundar-Haraicha Municipality-3, Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City-20, 20-year-old Bhavna Rai of Bishnupaduka, 19-year-old Sarita Pariyar of the same place.  , 20-year-old Varsha Karki, 23-year-old Sanu Gautam and 21-year-old Lakshmi Karki have been arrested.
 According to the police, Niranjan Prasad Acharya is the leader of this gang.  He has opened 11 bank accounts with his photo and names of others.  Similarly, Varsha Karki has opened 14 bank accounts, Lakshmi Karki 13, Sanu Gautam 22.
Banks do not accept to open an account without a valid identity card.  But this gang seems to have opened the account easily on the basis of photocopies, says the police.  "Many accounts have been opened in NIC Asia Bank", says the SP official, "those who open accounts in NIC are also getting commission."
 According to him, the arrested girls got a commission of Rs 3,000 when they opened an account in NIC Asia Bank.  Niranjan Acharya kept the check book of the opened account.  The police have seized 13 check books of NIC Asia from him.
 The SP official said that since the weaknesses of the banks which are in the campaign to increase the number of customers have been seen, a letter has been sent to inform them about the method of opening accounts and the basis for checking.
 The spokesperson of Nepal Rastra Bank, who cannot open an account based on photocopy of citizenship  Gunkar KC says.  Stating that a certificate of citizenship is mandatory to open a bank account, he said, 'Opening an account with the same photo and different names is a banking offence.'
 According to Morang police chief officer, Nike Niranjan Acharya of the gang was involved in the fraud business for a year.  In his statement with the police, he said that he had sent more than 1 crore to the Indian agent in one year.  67 lakh 99 thousand rupees were recovered from him.
 Acharya, who has an Indian Aadhaar card, also has an account in an Indian bank.  The police believe that he is an agent of an Indian gang.  He has admitted that he has sent one crore rupees to India in a year and has stated that he will get only 5% commission.
 He has also bought papers and seals of government offices.  From Acharya's room, stamps of Biratnagar Customs Passenger Office Branch, 40 pieces of temporary entry permit of Biratnagar Customs Office, 37 photocopies of citizenship, 60 pieces of customs notification, Indian Aadhaar card, 25 SIM cards of Nepali and Indian companies, computers, printers and other materials were found.
 The SP officer informed that the arrestees are being investigated for fraud, banking offences, forgery of government seals, dual citizenship and organized crime under the Maluki Criminal Code.


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It's 9 PM and Time for RONB's extra dose of News for today.
CREADIT:-@Routine of Nepal Banda




Corona viruses are a group of viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans, the viruses cause respiratory infections which are typically mild including the common cold but rarer forms like SARS and MERS can be lethal. In cows and pigs they may cause diarrhea, while in chickens they can cause an upper respiratory disease. There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs that are approved for prevention or treatment.

Coronaviruses are viruses in the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae in the family Coronaviridae, in the order Nidovirales.[4][5] Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome and with a nucleocapsid of helical symmetry. The genomic size of coronaviruses ranges from approximately 26 to 32 kilobases, the largest for an RNA virus.
The name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin corona, meaning crown or halo, which refers to the characteristic appearance of the virus particles (virions): they have a fringe reminiscent of a royal crown or of the solar corona.


Coronaviruses were discovered in the 1960s;[6] the earliest ones discovered were infectious bronchitis virus in chickens and two viruses from the nasal cavities of human patients with the common cold that were subsequently named human coronavirus 229E and human coronavirus OC43.[7] Other members of this family have since been identified, including SARS-CoV in 2003, HCoV NL63 in 2004, HKU1 in 2005, MERS-CoV in 2012, and 2019-nCoV in 2019; most of these have been involved in serious respiratory tract infections.

Name and morphology

The name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin corona and the Greek κορώνη (korṓnē, "garland, wreath"), meaning crown or halo. This refers to the characteristic appearance of virions (the infective form of the virus) by electron microscopy, which have a fringe of large, bulbous surface projections creating an image reminiscent of a royal crown or of the solar corona. This morphology is created by the viral spike (S) peplomers, which are proteins that populate the surface of the virus and determine host tropism.
Proteins that contribute to the overall structure of all coronaviruses are the spike (S), envelope (E), membrane (M) and nucleocapsid (N). In the specific case of the SARS coronavirus (see below), a defined receptor-binding domain on S mediates the attachment of the virus to its cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).[8] Some coronaviruses (specifically the members of Betacoronavirus subgroup A) also have a shorter spike-like protein called hemagglutinin esterase (HE).[4]


The infection cycle of coronavirus
Following the entry of this virus into the cell, the virus particle is uncoated and the RNA genome is deposited into the cytoplasm.
The coronavirus RNA genome has a 5′ methylated cap and a 3′ polyadenylated tail. This allows the RNA to attach to ribosomes for translation.
Coronaviruses also have a protein known as a replicase encoded in its genome which allows the RNA viral genome to be transcribed into new RNA copies using the host cell's machinery. The replicase is the first protein to be made; once the gene encoding the replicase is translated, the translation is stopped by a stop codon. This is known as a nested transcript. When the mRNA transcript only encodes one gene, it is monocistronic. A coronavirus non-structural protein provides extra fidelity to replication because it confers a proofreading function,[9] which is lacking in RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzymes alone.
The RNA genome is replicated and a long polyprotein is formed, where all of the proteins are attached. Coronaviruses have a non-structural protein – a protease – which is able to separate the proteins in the chain. This is a form of genetic economy for the virus, allowing it to encode the greatest number of genes in a small number of nucleotides.[10]



The most recent common ancestor of the coronavirus has been placed at 8000 BCE.[13] They may be considerably older than this. Another estimate places the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all coronaviruses around 8100 BCE. The MRCA of Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus have been placed at about 2400 BCE, 3300 BCE, 2800 BCE and 3000 BCE, respectively. It appears that bats and birds, the warm-blooded flying vertebrates, are ideal hosts for the coronavirus gene source (with bats for Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus, and birds for Gammacoronavirus and Deltacoronavirus) to fuel coronavirus evolution and dissemination.[14]
Bovine coronavirus and canine respiratory coronavirus diverged from a common ancestor in 1951.[15] Bovine coronavirus and human coronavirus OC43 diverged in 1899. Bovine coronavirus diverged from the equine coronavirus species at the end of the 18th century. Another estimate suggests that human coronavirus OC43 diverged from bovine coronavirus in 1890.[16]
The MRCA of human coronavirus OC43 has been dated to the 1950s.[17]
Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, although related to several bat species, appears to have diverged from these several centuries ago.[18] The human coronavirus NL63 and a bat coronovirus shared an MRCA 563–822 years ago.[19]
The most closely related bat coronovirus and the SARS coronavirus diverged in 1986.[20] A path of evolution of the SARS virus and keen relationship with bats have been proposed.[21][22] The authors suggest that the coronaviruses have been coevolved with bats for a long time and the ancestors of SARS virus first infected the species of the genus Hipposideridae, subsequently spread to species of the Rhinolophidae and then to civets, and finally to humans.[citation needed]
Alpaca coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E diverged before 1960.[23]

Human coronaviruses

Coronaviruses are believed to cause a significant percentage of all common colds in human adults and children. Coronaviruses cause colds with major symptoms, e.g. fever, throat swollen adenoids, in humans primarily in the winter and early spring seasons.[24] Coronaviruses can cause pneumonia, either direct viral pneumonia or a secondary bacterial pneumonia and they can also cause bronchitis, either direct viral bronchitis or a secondary bacterial bronchitis.[25] The much publicized human coronavirus discovered in 2003, SARS-CoV which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), has a unique pathogenesis because it causes both upper and lower respiratory tract infections.[25]
There are seven strains of human coronaviruses:
  1. Human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E)
  2. Human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43)
  3. SARS-CoV
  4. Human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63, New Haven coronavirus)
  5. Human coronavirus HKU1
  6. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), previously known as novel coronavirus 2012 and HCoV-EMC.
  7. Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),[26][27] also known as Wuhan pneumonia or Wuhan coronavirus.[28] ('Novel' in this case means newly discovered, or newly originated, and is a placeholder name.)



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