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Construction of Tharu Dharamshala in Lahan

Donation of land worth 60 lakhs for construction of Tharu Dharamshala 

 Parvati Singh, 15 Siraha.

 Siraha, push 15.

Remembering that since ancient times, Tharus who have been donating land in the field of education and health have been behind in donating for themselves, today they have become aware and donated land in the name of Tharu Seva Sadan.

 Danbir Advocate Ramswarup Chaudhary, a resident of Lahan Municipality 1 Singrahi, has donated one kata ten dhur of land.  Sirha District Lahan Municipality 1 Singrahi has donated 1 katha 10 dhur land worth about 60 lakhs in the name of Tharu Seva Sadan.  Ajay Chowdhury, a member of the Dharamshala Construction Committee, informed that the Tharu Seva Sadan has started the work of preparing the foundation for the construction of the Tharu Dharamshala on that land. Pashupati M.B.  Lahan, Harekrishna Mandir, Sagarmatha Chaudhary Ankha Hospital, Janata Domi High M.B.  Janata Masilal M.B. in Pokharvinda, Saptari.  Kusaha, Budvilal M.B.  Bhagwatpur, Adivasi Bhawan Kathona, Kant Chandra M.B.  Pato, Mahikar M.B.  Advocate Chowdhury said that since Prasabani and other land donors were Tharu, my attention was drawn towards the construction of Tharu Dharamshala in the name of Tharu Seva Sadan.


Winter Clothes distribution project in Rajbiraj

Youth For Good Nepal (YFGN) Distributed the warm clothes to the needy people of Rajbiraj stadium side . More than 20 family's got the clothes for their family member.

The winter clothes distribution project is held in the co-ordination of Prakash Sharma , Bibekanand Singh, Bidyanand singh, Siddhartha Chaudhary and many helping hands as volounteer . The program is held in very smooth way .Many many thanks to the President and the powerfull team of the YFGN NGO and helping hands aswell...



Cross 15 cror views

 Cross the 15 cror views kutuma kutu song on youtube.


How much will the government tax? From the stock market


Not only the investors but also the government get good income from the stock market.  It is seen that the government's income from the stock market will increase by more than 10 times this financial year compared to the last financial year.


Lakshmi Bardeva acting while watching the shooting


I didn't think I would become a doctor, but I wanted to be like a doctor when I saw a doctor, like a newsreader when I watched TV.


Bomb blast in Siraha's Lahnma

7 people were injured and one person is in serious condition when a bomb exploded at Lahan Malpot office in Siraha.  News collection from onlinekhabar.com




कोलोस्ट्रम, डिलिवरी पछि पहिलो दूध भनेर चिनिन्छ, गोजी जनावरहरूले उत्पादन गरेको स्तन स्राव हो।  यो बाछिको जन्म पछि पहिलो छ घण्टा भित्र सकलन गरिन्छ।  कोलोस्ट्रम इम्युनोग्लोबुलिनको समृद्ध प्राकृतिक स्रोत हो जसले प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीलाई मजबूत बनाउन मद्दत गर्दछ र बिभिन्न रोगहरूबाट वचन सुरक्षा प्रदान गर्दछ।  कोलोस्ट्रम पोषक तत्व, एन्टिबडी र विकास कारकहरूको समृद्ध स्रोत हो।  यो आवश्यक भिटामिन, खनिज, आवश्यक फ्याट्टी एसिड, र अमीनो एसिडहरूको पूर्ण सुत्र हो जुन शरीरको इष्टतम कामका लागि र सम्पूर्ण स्वास्थ्यलाई कायम राख्नको लागि आवश्यक छ।  कोलोस्ट्रममा प्रतिरक्षा कारकहरू र एन्टिबडीहरूले भाइरल संक्रमण, एलर्जीन र विषाक्त पदार्थहरूसँग लड्न पनि मद्दत गर्दछ ।






Benefits of coffee

Benefits of Coffee Daily consumption of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee without sugar helps prevent diabetes.  Drinking black coffee keeps your mind and body young.  Black coffee also helps prevent Parkinson's disease by increasing dopamine levels in the body.  Cancer has become one of the biggest killers in today's age which coffee helps to prevent.


How to care your daily life ?

How to care your daily life ?

1. Are you getting lots of water? Getting 6-8 glasses a day keeps you well-hydrated! 

2. Broccoli is a great source of calcium! 

3. Do you have a favorite healthy food? 

4. Spinach is nutrient-dense and easy to add to pasta sauces and salads. 

5. Stop! It’s time for a stretch break! Make sure you’re getting up and moving every 20 minutes or so to keep that blood flowing! 

6. Drink a glass of water before every meal to cut back on the calories you’re consuming! 

7. Writing down everything you eat helps to keep you accountable for the food you eat! 

8. What’s your favorite way to keep active? Tweet a picture! 

9. Live by the Rainbow Rule! Try to get as many colors of veggie on your plate as possible. 

10. Did you know? The cause of most headaches is dehydration. Get a glass of water! 

11. Whatever your meal, try to make it at least at least ⅔ veggie. 

12. Do you have a pedometer? Most smart phones come with one. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. 

13. Try parking at the back of the parking lot to get more steps in! 

14. Freeze grapes for a guilt-free summer snack! 

15. Don’t forget to stretch before you work out! You could hurt yourself! 

16. Are you getting enough vitamins? Pack those veggies on your plate to make sure you’re taking care of yourself! 

17. What is your favorite healthy dessert? 

18. Quinoa has lots of protein! 

19. Keep yourself educated! Sometimes it helps to read a book on health and dieting to keep yourself on track. 

20. Try getting in cardio for 30 minutes, three times a week. 

21. Grapes have a compound that increases longevity. 

22. Subscribe to a blog or listen to a podcast - things things can do wonders to keep yourself going when you want to quit. 

23. Tell us about a favorite recipe that uses blueberries? 

24. How do you feel? It’s important to pay attention to how a change in your diet affects the way you feel. 

25. Keeping water in your body means keeping toxins out of it. 




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