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Cross 15 cror views

 Cross the 15 cror views kutuma kutu song on youtube.


How much will the government tax? From the stock market


Not only the investors but also the government get good income from the stock market.  It is seen that the government's income from the stock market will increase by more than 10 times this financial year compared to the last financial year.


Lakshmi Bardeva acting while watching the shooting


I didn't think I would become a doctor, but I wanted to be like a doctor when I saw a doctor, like a newsreader when I watched TV.


Bomb blast in Siraha's Lahnma

7 people were injured and one person is in serious condition when a bomb exploded at Lahan Malpot office in Siraha.  News collection from onlinekhabar.com




कोलोस्ट्रम, डिलिवरी पछि पहिलो दूध भनेर चिनिन्छ, गोजी जनावरहरूले उत्पादन गरेको स्तन स्राव हो।  यो बाछिको जन्म पछि पहिलो छ घण्टा भित्र सकलन गरिन्छ।  कोलोस्ट्रम इम्युनोग्लोबुलिनको समृद्ध प्राकृतिक स्रोत हो जसले प्रतिरक्षा प्रणालीलाई मजबूत बनाउन मद्दत गर्दछ र बिभिन्न रोगहरूबाट वचन सुरक्षा प्रदान गर्दछ।  कोलोस्ट्रम पोषक तत्व, एन्टिबडी र विकास कारकहरूको समृद्ध स्रोत हो।  यो आवश्यक भिटामिन, खनिज, आवश्यक फ्याट्टी एसिड, र अमीनो एसिडहरूको पूर्ण सुत्र हो जुन शरीरको इष्टतम कामका लागि र सम्पूर्ण स्वास्थ्यलाई कायम राख्नको लागि आवश्यक छ।  कोलोस्ट्रममा प्रतिरक्षा कारकहरू र एन्टिबडीहरूले भाइरल संक्रमण, एलर्जीन र विषाक्त पदार्थहरूसँग लड्न पनि मद्दत गर्दछ ।






Benefits of coffee

Benefits of Coffee Daily consumption of caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee without sugar helps prevent diabetes.  Drinking black coffee keeps your mind and body young.  Black coffee also helps prevent Parkinson's disease by increasing dopamine levels in the body.  Cancer has become one of the biggest killers in today's age which coffee helps to prevent.


How to care your daily life ?

How to care your daily life ?

1. Are you getting lots of water? Getting 6-8 glasses a day keeps you well-hydrated! 

2. Broccoli is a great source of calcium! 

3. Do you have a favorite healthy food? 

4. Spinach is nutrient-dense and easy to add to pasta sauces and salads. 

5. Stop! It’s time for a stretch break! Make sure you’re getting up and moving every 20 minutes or so to keep that blood flowing! 

6. Drink a glass of water before every meal to cut back on the calories you’re consuming! 

7. Writing down everything you eat helps to keep you accountable for the food you eat! 

8. What’s your favorite way to keep active? Tweet a picture! 

9. Live by the Rainbow Rule! Try to get as many colors of veggie on your plate as possible. 

10. Did you know? The cause of most headaches is dehydration. Get a glass of water! 

11. Whatever your meal, try to make it at least at least ⅔ veggie. 

12. Do you have a pedometer? Most smart phones come with one. Aim for 10,000 steps a day. 

13. Try parking at the back of the parking lot to get more steps in! 

14. Freeze grapes for a guilt-free summer snack! 

15. Don’t forget to stretch before you work out! You could hurt yourself! 

16. Are you getting enough vitamins? Pack those veggies on your plate to make sure you’re taking care of yourself! 

17. What is your favorite healthy dessert? 

18. Quinoa has lots of protein! 

19. Keep yourself educated! Sometimes it helps to read a book on health and dieting to keep yourself on track. 

20. Try getting in cardio for 30 minutes, three times a week. 

21. Grapes have a compound that increases longevity. 

22. Subscribe to a blog or listen to a podcast - things things can do wonders to keep yourself going when you want to quit. 

23. Tell us about a favorite recipe that uses blueberries? 

24. How do you feel? It’s important to pay attention to how a change in your diet affects the way you feel. 

25. Keeping water in your body means keeping toxins out of it. 


Home Fitness Equipment

 Home Fitness Equipment: What Exercise Equipment You Should Choose

Today, increasing numbers of people are not getting more and more concerned about their physical health. Because of the increasing numbers of cases of heart related diseases, diabetes, and obesity, you have the right to be concerned about your physical well-being. This is why many people are now enrolling in gyms and are now starting working out as part of their daily routines to get and maintain a healthy body and healthy heart.

Besides, through exercising, you will not only have a healthy body and healthy heart, you will also obtain a great looking body that you can be proud off. In fact, many people exercises in order to have a better looking body. You can never deny the fact that a good looking and muscular body produces more sex appeal and is considered to be more attractive than having that extra flab and looking like the Pillsbury doughboy or too thin that you look like a scarecrow. Having a great looking body also produces indirect benefits to you, such as having more self-confidence and a significant increase in self-esteem.

Health benefits and physical appearance are the two main reasons why more and more people are considering working out. However, what if you find working out in the gym boring or embarrassing. Many people get insecure about working out in the public and for this reason they simply don’t continue their workout routines in the gym.

However, you can still workout even if you don’t go to the gym. The machines you see in the gym can be obtained at a very affordable price. There are home fitness equipments that you can purchase and use right at the comforts of your own home. These home fitness equipments can work wonders for you and get that great looking body that you have always wanted of having. Not only that, most home fitness equipments available today are designed to be compact to suit small homes, such as an apartment. It can be folded and stored neatly when not in use and it can provide that same high quality workout that you would get in a gym.

So, if you are a full time parent where you always need to keep a constant lookout for your kids, you can consider getting home fitness equipment where you can both take care of your body and watch your kids. You will also enjoy your workouts because you can watch your favorite TV shows while you workout.

There are different home fitness equipments available in the market today. You have to realize the fact that you should choose the right home fitness equipment in order to have a high quality workout. First of all, you have to choose home fitness equipment that will give you a full body workout and also exercise equipment that will be able to exercise your heart. The best home fitness equipment for this job is cardiovascular exercise machines. Treadmills and elliptical trainers are two of the best cardiovascular exercise equipments available.

You can also consider getting weight training exercise equipments for muscle development.

These are some of the home fitness equipments available in the market today. With the right home fitness equipment, you will be able to get a high quality workout and get that healthy and great looking body you have always wanted. 

Healthy Recipes


1. Are you getting enough sleep? 6-8 hours keeps your body repaired and your metabolism high! 

2. Try to eat smaller meals more frequently to keep your metabolism up! 

3. Get out in the sunshine! Sunshine helps your body make Vitamin D! 

4. Sweet potatoes are full of fiber! 

5. When working out, focus on your breathing. Your muscles need oxygen to grow! 

6. Take a long walk every few days to get some extra exercise in. 

7. What is your favorite salad recipe?  

8. You really are what you eat. What you eat will determine how you feel. 

9. Trying to figure out where to start? Switch all your drinks to water

10. Are you tired of hearing about water yet? Get up and grab a glass! 

11. Try staying off the scale and measuring a different metric. Use a measuring tape to measure your waist circumference. 

12. Where do you find healthy recipes on the internet? 

13. Take control of your diet and take control of your life. 

14. Do whatever you can. Then do a little bit more. 

15. How long has it been since you’ve stretched. Take a break, and stand up and touch your toes! 

16. Did you know? Doing anything to change your diet is better than doing nothing at all. Get started today! 

17. Can you think of a time you reached a goal? Tell us about it! 

18. Do today so you can live tomorrow. 

19. Use a calorie tracker like myfitnesspal.com. This can help you make balanced diet decisions! 

20. The best way to get clear skin is to make sure you’re well-hydrated.

21. Do you know? The first thing you have to do to succeed is start. 

22. What is the best way you’ve found to get a workout in when you’re pressed for time? 

23. Staying motivated is the hardest part. Keep yourself connected with other motivated people - whether online or in person - so you don’t give up. 

24. Your body needs vitamins, and the vitamins you need are best found in colorful fruits and vegetables. 

25. Switching higher-calorie beverages for water can be quick way to jump start weight loss. 




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