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What is ADS-TERRA?How to create profile on ADD-TERRA? How much pay Adds Terra per click


ADS-TERRA is a global advertising network that connects advertisers with publishers, facilitating the placement of ads across various platforms and devices. Founded with the aim of optimizing the digital advertising experience, ADS-TERRA offers a wide range of ad formats and targeting options to ensure maximum reach and engagement.

# Key Features of ADS-TERRA

1. **Diverse Ad Formats**:

    - **Display Ads**: Traditional banner ads that can be placed on websites to attract users' attention.

    - **Pop-Under Ads**: Ads that appear in a new window under the current webpage, often more noticeable than standard pop-up ads.

    - **Native Ads**: Ads that blend seamlessly with the content, providing a non-intrusive user experience.

    - **Push Notifications**: Direct messages sent to users' devices, ensuring high visibility and engagement.

    - **Video Ads**: Engaging video content that can be placed pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll within video streams.

2. **Advanced Targeting Options**:

    - **Geographical Targeting**: Target users based on their location to ensure relevance.

    - **Demographic Targeting**: Reach specific age groups, genders, and other demographic segments.

    - **Behavioral Targeting**: Focus on users' online behavior and interests to deliver more personalized ads.

    - **Device Targeting**: Tailor ads for desktop, mobile, or tablet users.

3. **Real-Time Bidding (RTB)**:

    - ADS-TERRA utilizes RTB technology, allowing advertisers to bid on ad impressions in real time. This ensures efficient budget use and maximizes ad performance.

4. **User-Friendly Interface**:

    - Both advertisers and publishers can navigate ADS-TERRA’s platform with ease, thanks to its intuitive dashboard that offers comprehensive analytics and reporting.

# Benefits of Using ADS-TERRA

1. **Global Reach**:

    - With a presence in over 190 countries, ADS-TERRA enables advertisers to reach a global audience, thereby expanding their market reach.

2. **High-Quality Traffic**:

    - ADS-TERRA’s robust vetting process ensures that traffic is of high quality, reducing the likelihood of fraudulent clicks and impressions.

3. **Monetization for Publishers**:

    - Publishers can maximize their revenue by displaying ads from a vast network of advertisers, benefiting from competitive CPM (Cost Per Mille) rates.

4. **24/7 Support**:

    - ADS-TERRA provides round-the-clock customer support, assisting users with any issues or queries they might encounter.

# How to Get Started with ADS-TERRA

1. **Sign Up**:

    - Create an account on the ADS-TERRA website, providing the necessary details for verification.

2. **Set Up Campaigns**:

    - For advertisers, setting up campaigns involves selecting ad formats, targeting options, and budget allocations. Publishers need to integrate ad tags into their websites.

3. **Monitor Performance**:

    - Use the ADS-TERRA dashboard to track the performance of your campaigns or ads, making adjustments as needed to optimize results.

4. **Optimize and Scale**:

    - Continuously analyze performance data to refine targeting and creatives, and scale successful campaigns for better ROI.

# Conclusion

ADS-TERRA stands out in the crowded digital advertising space due to its versatile ad formats, advanced targeting capabilities, and global reach. Whether you are an advertiser looking to expand your audience or a publisher aiming to monetize your content, ADS-TERRA offers the tools and support to achieve your goals. By leveraging ADS-TERRA’s comprehensive platform, you can ensure your advertising efforts are both effective and efficient.


Former Bal Mandir Vice Chairman Tulsi Narayan Shrestha arrested

Tulsi Narayan Shrestha, the former vice-chairman of the Nepal Children's Organization (NCO), has been arrested in connection with the Bal Mandir land lease scam. The Central

Monitize Your Website

 Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police apprehended Shrestha on Friday, following an investigation into his alleged involvement in the fraudulent leasing of Bal Mandir land. The case has drawn significant attention due to the implications of misappropriation and corruption within the organization. This arrest is part of a broader inquiry that has seen arrest warrants issued against multiple individuals associated with the NCO land lease scandal. The investigation continues to unfold as authorities delve deeper into the case. 

Source : 


Today analysis of Nepse

The Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) began the day with the market index at 2,083.04 points.

Early Trading:Within the first 10 minutes, the market reached a high of 2,095.98 points.

Midday Shift:However, a downward trend followed, and the index hit a low of 2,073.15 points within the next two hours.

Recovery:The market made a slight recovery, gaining around six points before the trading day ended.

Closing: NEPSE closed at 2,079.07 points, marking a marginal decline of 3.97 points from the opening.

Turnover:The total turnover for the day was reported to be around 4.0 billion NPR, a decrease from the previous day's 4.31 billion NPR.

Sector Performance: The microfinance sector saw a gain of 106.79 points, while non-life insurance experienced a fall of 71.06 points in its index.

Top Performers: Among individual companies, NRN Infrastructure and Development Limited had the largest turnover with shares worth Rs.148.59 million.

Market Sentiment: The sensitive index, which measures the performance of 'A' class companies, also declined by 1.58 points.



नेपाल स्टक एक्सचेन्ज (नेप्से) आज सकारात्मक उकालो लागेको छ ।


नेपाल स्टक एक्सचेन्ज (नेप्से) आज सकारात्मक उकालो लागेको छ ।  परिसूचक १३ दशमलव ५१ अंकले बढेर २ हजार ८३ दशमलव ४ अंकमा बन्द भयो ।  कारोबार सुरु भएको पहिलो आधा घण्टामै २ हजार ६९ दशमलव ५३ अंकमा खुलेको बजार दिनकै उच्च २ हजार ८६ दशमलव २९ अंकमा पुगेको छ ।  बजार बन्द हुनु अघि करिब १५ अंकले बढेको थियो ।  ‘क’ वर्गका कम्पनीहरुको कार्यसम्पादन मापन गर्ने सेन्सेटिभ परिसूचक पनि १ दशमलव ४५ अंकले बढेको छ ।  दैनिक कारोबार अघिल्लो दिनको ४ अर्ब २१ करोडको तुलनामा बढेर ४ अर्ब ३१ करोड पुगेको छ ।


Sector Rotation Nepse Alpha



Investor participation in the securities market is encouraging, demat accounts are around 63 lakhs

It is everyone's responsibility to move forward in a balanced manner with stability for the further development and expansion of the financial sector in which so many people have direct participation. For this, it is necessary to strengthen the supply side as well as the demand side.


Tesla owner Elon Musk for earning three billion dollars by insider trading

One of the company's shareholders has sued Elon Musk, the owner of the Tesla company, for earning three billion dollars through insider trading.

In November and December of 2022, after learning about the company's poor car sales, Musk sold his shares worth about $7.5 billion, according to Michael Perry, one of the shareholders in the company. After the publication of the fourth quarter report on January 2, the share price of the company fell sharply.

It is said that if Musk had sold the shares after the report was published, he would have received a 55 percent lower price. In 2022, Musk claimed that the demand for the Tesla company's cars was high, but in mid-November, when the company's sales were not as expected, it is mentioned in the case that he sold shares before the report was published.


"Terabox Technology: Revolutionizing Data Storage and Management"


A terabox typically refers to a large storage unit with a capacity of one terabyte (1000 gigabytes) or more. The advantages of using teraboxes include:

1)High Storage Capacity:

•Teraboxes typically offer storage capacities of one terabyte (1000 gigabytes) or more, providing users with ample space to store various types of data, including documents, photos, videos, music, and more.

•This high storage capacity is particularly beneficial for individuals, businesses, and organizations that generate and accumulate large volumes of digital content over time.

2)Data Management:

•Teraboxes allow users to effectively manage and organize their data, making it easier to categorize, search, and retrieve specific files or information.

•Many terabox services provide features such as folder organization, file tagging, and search functionality, enabling users to maintain a structured and easily navigable storage environment.

3)Backup and Recovery:

•Teraboxes serve as reliable solutions for data backup and recovery, offering a secure repository for storing copies of important files and information.

•Users can regularly backup their data to a terabox to protect against data loss caused by hardware failures, accidental deletions, malware infections, or other unforeseen events.

•In the event of data loss or corruption, users can restore their files from backup copies stored on the terabox, helping to minimize downtime and mitigate potential damages.


•Many terabox solutions are designed to be scalable, allowing users to easily expand their storage capacity to accommodate growing data storage requirements.

•Users can typically upgrade their terabox plans or add additional storage space as needed, providing flexibility and scalability to adapt to changing storage demands over time.

5)Remote Access:

•Some terabox services offer remote access capabilities, enabling users to access their stored data from anywhere with an internet connection.

•This remote access functionality allows users to view, download, upload, and manage their files using web-based interfaces or dedicated mobile applications, providing convenience and accessibility on the go.

6)Security Features:

•Terabox providers often implement robust security features to protect users' data from unauthorized access, breaches, or cyber threats.

•These security features may include encryption to secure data in transit and at rest, multi-factor authentication to verify user identities, access controls to restrict permissions, and regular security audits to identify and address vulnerabilities.

•By leveraging these security measures, terabox users can have confidence that their data is well-protected against potential risks and threats.

Overall, Teraboxes offer a comprehensive storage solution that combines high capacity, efficient data management, robust backup and recovery capabilities, scalability, remote accessibility, and advanced security features to meet the diverse storage needs of individuals, businesses, and organizations.


फर्स्ट माइक्रोफाइनान्सको संस्थापक सेयरमा आवेदन दिने आज अन्तिम दिन


फर्स्ट माइक्रोफाइनान्सको संस्थापक शेयरमा आवेदन दिने आज (चैत १५ गते) अन्तिम दिन हो ।  लघुवित्तले १ लाख ५० हजार कित्ता संस्थापक शेयर लिलामीमा ल्याएको छ । 

    लिलामी शेयरमा कम्पनीका संस्थापक शेयरधनी वा अन्य संघसस्था तथा सर्वसाधारणले पनि आवेदन दिन सक्नेछन् । 

   यसमा न्यूनतम ३०० रुपियाँ वा सोभन्दा बढी मूल्य कबोल गरी गोप्य शिलबन्दी बोलपत्र पेस गर्नुपर्नेछ । 

           लगानीकर्ताले न्यूनतम १५ हजार कित्तादेखि अधिकतम सबै कित्ताका लागि आवेदन दिन सक्नेछन् । 

    कम्पनीले चैत १३ गतेदेखि उक्त संस्थापक सेयर लिलामी बिक्रीमा ल्याएको हो । आवेदकले बिक्री प्रबन्धक मुक्तिनाथ क्यापिटल, नक्साल काठमाडौंमा पुग्ने गरी गोप्य शिलबन्दी बोलपत्र बुझाउन सक्नेछन् ।

Source Corporate News Nepal 


आइसिसी टी-२० विश्वकपको तयारी , नेपालले आज आयरल्याण्ड 'ए' सँग खेल्दै


नेपालले आज आयरल्याण्ड ‘ए’सँग अभ्यास खेल खेल्दै छ । आइसिसी टी-२० विश्वकपको तयारीस्वरुप नेपालले आयरल्याण्ड ‘ए’सँग उक्त अभ्यास खेल खेल्न लागेको हो । 

कीर्तिपुरस्थित त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको खेल मैदानमा नेपालले आयरल्याण्ड ‘ए’सँग दिउँसो १ बजे खेल खेल्ने छ । यस्तै नेपालको सिनियर टोलीले आयरल्याण्ड ‘ए’सँग मङ्गलबार टी-२० खेल खेल्ने तय भएको छ । 

यसैगरी आयरल्याण्ड ‘ए’सँग नेपाल ‘ए’ टोलीले कीर्तिपुरस्थित त्रिवि क्रिकेट मैदानमा तीनवटा टी-२० खेल तथा तीन एकदिवसीय खेल खेल्ने नेपाल क्रिकेट संघ (क्यान)ले जनाएको छ । 

आयरल्याण्ड ‘ए’सँग अभ्यास खेलका लागि नेपाली टोलीमा रोहितकुमार पौडेल (कप्तान), आसिफ शेख, कुशल भुर्तेल, कुशल मल्ल, दीपेन्द्रसिंह ऐरी, ललितनारायण राजवंशी, गुलशन झा, करण केसी, सोमपाल कामी, विवेक यादव, सन्दीप जोरा, अनिल साह, प्रतिश जिसी, आकाश चन्द र अभिनाश बोहरा रहेका छन् । 

Source Corporate News Nepal 




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